There are much bigger plans for this game in the future!

Thank you all for the support I’ve received thus far. The current “There is Nothing here” is only Beta, and future updates are sure to come. The next update will take a big leap from where it is now, so make sure to follow and stay tuned! Even if you’ve already played it and even made a video, there will be many new reasons to do so again with the next update. It will include: -Much better 3D sound -Improved atmosphere -Better menu style -More realistic environment -I will remove the “Something” in the game, and replace it with… well you’ll just have to see for yourself -MUCH better ending -Actual storyline and lore -3 new endings, 1 of them secret (a total of 4 endings) -No more cringe -Game will be more playable (you can do more things with different objects) -Better lighting -Simply better developed

Get There is Nothing here


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Can't wait!